Sunday 20 October 2013

Ideas spiralling out of control

Bit of a blog hiatus as I was struck down by a migraine last weekend. But on the plus side as I

was going through every trick in the book to relieve my symptoms I started to think about a product range I could develop that would help. Although it’s not as straightforward as writing an e-book or delivering an online course. I would need to find a company to produce it, package it and distribute it, hell might as well get someone to design it and build an e-commerce platform for it!
So what do I have…an idea, that’s all.

But once I had that idea, more ideas kept coming to me, niche markets I could explore based on my interests, even old interests I’d forgotten about. I’ve even started thinking about NPD ideas for other companies, not just the product, but future product extensions from it, the foundations of a social media campaign, the qualitative and quantitative research that would need to be carried out, distribution channels…it’s like once I’ve turned my brain on I can’t turn it off.

The problem with so many ideas is that I don’t know which one to start with, and in order to answer the coming questions over the next few days of the blog challenge I need to focus on just one so that I can set a foundation for my online business. 
I've got so many thoughts, ideas and things i need to do floating round my head, i need Dumbledore's pensieve so i can empty some of them out, clear my mind and refocus.   
Until a pensieve is invented in the non magical realm please feel free to share your tips for refocussing your mind in the comments below.  

The 30 Day Blog Challenge is run by Natalie Sisson, The Suitcase Entrepreneur. Join in and discover how to create freedom and adventure in life and business through location independence. Plus – enter to win prizes – including a $500 blog coaching session with Natalie!
If you’re following the challenge please drop by and say hello J Leave a link to your blog and I’ll be sure to check it out!